What do we know about the future of journalism?

Too often, discussions of the future of media are based on misunderstandings or outright “media change denial” where people double down on arguments that are directly contradicted by a growing consensus among researchers.

Gossip and fake news, opposite fact checking and facts presenting

Several years ago Marcus Ampe launched “Our World” on Blogspot, to present and discuss matters concerning the planet we live on. The Blogspot site now became transferred to here at WordPress (under a new title), but the intentions did not change. At “Some View on the world” we want to present civic as well asContinue reading “Gossip and fake news, opposite fact checking and facts presenting”

Study Guide: Purposes of Communication

Originally posted on Khanam Eyes:
This is a short to-the-point guide of Khanam Eyes. In this article, we will learn about the purposes of communication. I hope these short articles will help you by providing to-the-point discussions. So, without further ado, let’s get to it. What are the purposes of Communication? Everything we do in…

Study Guide: Definition of Communication

Originally posted on Khanam Eyes:
This is a short to-the-point guide of Khanam Eyes. In this article, we will learn about the definition of communication. I hope these short articles will help you by providing to-the-point discussions. So, without further ado, let’s get to it. What is communication? Communication is something we do daily. When…

When You Wonder If Anyone Cares

  Encouragement in Daily Living You may struggle with whether people care or not. I was in that spot for almost a decade. It’s hard to think that people care when you have endured evil and abusive people. You begin to think that everyone has a hidden agenda. Do you ever feel this way? IfContinue reading “When You Wonder If Anyone Cares”

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