Why Nobody Wants to Listen to Climate News

The ecological footprint of the industrialised countries is extremely high, and it is there that most people live who do not want to see that global warming, fuel and food shortage is a serious problem that we will have to deal with.

The fact that this year ‘Earth overshoot Day‘ fell one day earlier than last year and one month earlier than during the first corona pandemic, should not surprise us but wake everyone up to take this climate change very seriously. If we look at the global ecological footprint of humanity, it should already take 1.7 earths on average to produce enough resources and raw materials.   Even if some people want to go to other planets, mankind will have to make do mainly here!

As a result, countries reach their overshoot date at different times of the year. For Belgium, this day fell on 26 March this year. If we look at the global ecological footprint of mankind, it would already take an average of 1.7 earths to produce enough resources and raw materials. A figure that is undoubtedly too high. Belgium, with 4.1 earths, consumes more than double the global resources. So we use resources that we do not have.

Whichever way you look at it, the impoverished way in which we deal with the materials that the earth provides means that we are failing her, but we are also shooting ourselves in the foot, because ultimately we are impoverishing our earth and in addition, we are polluting it to such an extent that the pollution has an impact on what can still survive and will be available to mankind.

Belgium is not the only guilty party, by the way. Different countries worldwide are facing the same challenges. That is why it is so important that each country focuses on the protection of its raw materials and resources. There are no other countries that could come to our aid.




  1. The world is still on course for climate catastrophe
  2. Saving our climate is possible – but it requires action now
  3. Cuba the most sustainable place in the world
  4. The destructive man and our duty as Christians
  5. What effect does population have on climate change?
  6. To fight climate despair science isn’t enough
  7. Taking care of mother earth
  8. Young people at COP26 have to “Stay angry”
  9. Earth Overshoot Day – de markering waarop de mens alle natuurlijke hulpbronnen die de aarde in een jaar kan produceren heeft opgebruikt


Additional reading

  1. Creation of the earth out of something
  2. The World framed by the Word of God
  3. The Origin of Life on Earth: Creation or Evolution?
  4. A viewpoint on creation
  5. Ecological economics in the stomach #1 Alarmbell
  6. The world is but a great inn
  7. High time to to put the environment at the heart of people’s lives
  8. Because men choose to go their own way
  9. Temperatures rising
  10. 2014 To remember our Earth
  11. Taking care of mother earth
  12. Here and Now
  13. Today’s thought “Allowed to have dominion over the universe” (January 02)
  14. Today’s thought “Folly and Wickedness of Men” (January 06)
  15. Earth’s pandemic and T-shirts for young people
  16. Air-conditioning treath and HFCs extremely powerful heat-trappers
  17. Global watershortages and Worsening food security conditions
  18. Avoiding to get Water at the price of gold #2 Dealing with effects of a changing climate
  19. How We Can Make the World a Better Place by 2030
  20. Reducing effects of environmental disasters
  21. Building a low-carbon world: the sixth industrial revolution
  22. Are the European floods linked to the climate crisis?
  23. Streams caused by temperature differences
  24. A cry in the dark by scientists and medics
  25. Us and climate change – We can do much more than we think
  26. Drought
  27. Let us act on what we have
  28. P5 The Empire we’re in: Individualism & Consumerism
  29. How to make sustainable, green habits second nature




  1. Learning about Earth Overshoot Day
  2. There is no ‘planet B’ – yet we’re using it already
  3. Earth Overshoot Day, 2021
  4. Earth Overshoot Day July 29 2021
  5. Earth Overshoot Day 2021 – Time to #MoveTheDate
  6. Earth Overshoot Day: we have just exceeded what Earth can regenerate in a year
  7. Earth Overshoot Day – Resource for the Classroom
  8. Earth Overshoot Day
  9. We’ve exhausted a year’s worth of Earth’s resources in seven months. Now what?
  10. Green Tau Reflection
  11. Earth Overshoot Day is Moving in the Wrong Direction
  12. Green Tau issue 35
  13. 3/30: The Geophysical Obedience Experiment
  14. #MoveTheDate and the Struggle to Push Earth Overshoot Day Back
  15. We can no longer afford to ignore natural limits
  16. Counting on … day 205
  17. World Environment Day
  18. The Green Tau: issue 45
  19. Environmental campaigners call for action this Earth Overshoot Day
  20. Earth Overshoot Day 2022: Circular businesses are reversing overshoot
  21. Counting on …day 259
  22. Earth Overshoot Day 2022
  23. Earth Overshoot Day: #MoveTheDate
  24. Data That Matters July 2022
  25. Reconciling human demands with planetary boundaries: a new approach to quantifying sustainability at the national and global levels
  26. Living on a happy planet
  27. What is Green Actions?
  28. The true cost of fast-fashion: How it’s killing people and planet, like literally.
  29. Tackling Trash Atop Mountains: Sustainable Mountain Tourism
  30. A Foundation on the Right Track
  31. Breaking boundaries but not population taboos
  32. There Are Issues As A Country & A World… But Without The Planet? We Have Nothing
  33. 3 Women, 2 Countries, 1 Voice for World Population Day 2022
  34. 5 Ways I’m “Succeeding” at Living a Zero-Waste Lifestyle

Claude Forthomme's Blog about Social Issues and Books

My latest article on Impakter, just published:

Climate Reporting: Why People Won’t Listen

Climate change and environmental issues still do not hit the news like the war in Ukraine or a billionaire’s trip to space but climate reporting is changing to meet the challenge

Not enough time is given to reporting on climate change compared to other news, and that’s a fact. Newsrooms around the world are currently in the grips of Ukraine war news, as they should be, yet climate change will not go away and still requires our attention: After all, it concerns our very existence on this planet. 

As German media DW recently pointed out: On any given dayof the average 38 stories on their home page, only one or two are about climate change. What is true for DW is true for any other major media outlet – and DW is no climate denier…

View original post 226 more words

Published by Guestspeaker

A joint effort of several authors who do find that nobody can keep standing at the side and that “Everyone" must care about what is going on in today’s world. We are a bunch of people who do not mind that somebody has a totally different idea but is willing to share the ideas with others and to be Active and willing to let others understand how "today’s decisions will influence the future”. Therefore we would love to see many others to "Act today".

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