Clerical-fascist Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right gaining seats in Spain

In 1933: Alerted to the dangers of fascism, the Spanish proletariat were determined not to suffer the same fate as their Italian, German, and Austrian class brothers and sisters.

Despite centrist stitch-ups, the left struggles on in Labour

Originally posted on 21centurymanifesto:
We must salute those who decide to ‘stay and fight’ — but what we can reasonably expect to win now after three years of Keir Starmer’s onslaught is much reduced, says NICK WRIGHT writing in the Morning Star ABOVE: THE SPIRIT REMAINS: Jeremy Corbyn with members of the NEU at rally,…

Thousands march in London over cost of living crisis

Demonstration organised by TUC calls on government to make ‘better deal’ for people struggling to cope with soaring inflation

Everywhere in Europe the same

All over Europe citizens are confronted with skyrocketing consumer prices. For many people the energy bill is presented by almost unaffordable invoices. Ordinary working people are struggling to find a balance between money coming in and money going out. The governments should not be surprised that more unions are poised for industrial action over theContinue reading “Everywhere in Europe the same”

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