Six months after the fires, the people of Lahaina try to put their lives back together

Nina Lakhani Half a year on from catastrophic wildfires that razed the historic town of Lahaina in West Maui, Hawaii, the people and the land are still hurting – and health experts fear the pain could get worse. I recently spent a week reporting on the deadliest American wildfire in more than a century, whichContinue reading “Six months after the fires, the people of Lahaina try to put their lives back together”

Firestorms, mutant coronavirus strains and other viruses,

Firefighters mobilise to tackle the blaze in Viña del Mar CREDIT: Cristobal Basaure/The Telegraph The Valparaíso region of Chile is wealthy and densely populated, but last Friday there was little to warn residents living in the green hills and valleys that a firestorm packing the power of several hydrogen bombs was to hit. Residents recalledContinue reading “Firestorms, mutant coronavirus strains and other viruses,”

Melting ice, species going extinct, cow dung zero waste and

Essential reads Antarctica has lost 7.5tn tonnes of ice since 1997, scientists find   Scientists at the University of Leeds have calculated that 67tn tonnes of ice was lost in the west while 59tn tonnes was added to the east between 1997 and 2021, resulting in a net loss of 7.5tn tonnes. Warm water onContinue reading “Melting ice, species going extinct, cow dung zero waste and”

Wildfires all over the northern hemisphere in 2023

Climate change has spurred on hotter, drier conditions around the world that have lengthened fire seasons in many regions, including California, Europe and Siberia. Changes to the climate have put more energy into the atmosphere, which means severe lightning storms are happening much further north.

July 2023 is set to be the hottest month on record

The strange weather conditions of past summer show that the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is more urgent than ever before.

The new wildfire playbook

If a fire has a burning power of more than 10,000 kilowatts per square meter, it can’t be extinguished no matter how many resources we put in,

The Independent’s climate newsletter for the last week of August 2023

The aftermath of the wildfire which ripped through Lahaina, Hawaii earlier this month. It was the deadliest US wildfire in more than a century, leaving 115 people dead and hundreds more unaccounted for (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong) Climate Crisis   Hundreds of people remain unaccounted for in Maui following the deadliest wildfires in the UnitedContinue reading “The Independent’s climate newsletter for the last week of August 2023”

About plots and conspiracy theorists who are spreading disbelief about climate change on social media

Disturbing truths By Olivia Rudgard and Daniel Zuidijk   When images and video of the tragic blazes in Maui began to filter out across the internet, rumors also started to spread. Across Facebook, TikTok and X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, commentators shared wild speculations that the fires, which have now taken the lives of more thanContinue reading “About plots and conspiracy theorists who are spreading disbelief about climate change on social media”

What now for Maui?

Maui comes together – and questions how climate disaster struck their island Gabrielle Canon The death toll in Maui, Hawaii, climbed again on August 16, as officials confirmed that 106 victims have now been recovered in the wreckage. The numbers could grow further – crews with cadaver dogs have combed through just 27% of theContinue reading “What now for Maui?”

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