Clerical-fascist Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right gaining seats in Spain

In 1933: Alerted to the dangers of fascism, the Spanish proletariat were determined not to suffer the same fate as their Italian, German, and Austrian class brothers and sisters.

The impact of last summer to tourism

This summer brought exceptionally high temperatures and strong winds, but also huge hailstorms and abundant rains.

Madrid 1936: Spanish Workers Fought Back the Fascists

Originally posted on Red October Goth:
The banner reads “They Shall Not Pass! Fascism wants to conquer Madrid! Madrid will be the tomb of Fascism!” November 1936, Madrid workers erecting a barricade to keep Franco’s fascist army out of the city. Original Facebook Note #17 published 4 February 2017 “At the present time, while this…

Stories from The New York Times for the 4th week of August 2022

August 22 A photo provided by the Russian government said to show investigators at the site of a car bombing outside Moscow.Russian Investigative Committee/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images A brazen attack near Moscow rattles Russians Russia has opened a murder investigation into the car bombing that killed Daria Dugina, 29, a hawkish political commentator whoContinue reading “Stories from The New York Times for the 4th week of August 2022”

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