News events in the Fourth week of July 2023

Monday July 24 The BBC’s business editor has apologised to Nigel Farage over “incomplete and inaccurate information” in his story about the former Ukip leader’s bank account. The 2030 ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars appears to be in doubt, after Rishi Sunak refused to confirm it will go ahead. AndContinue reading “News events in the Fourth week of July 2023”

The Telegraph Frontpage for 2023 February 14

A new Brexit deal is expected to be announced in the next fortnight after the UK watered down its hardline resistance to European judges ruling on issues in Northern Ireland.

Pressure to cut the tax burden on households and businesses

Rishi Sunak said he “wished” he could cut taxes “tomorrow” but the current state of the public finances meant he is unable to.

About second homes, nice places, finding a son and shopping lists

‘It’s about keeping places alive’: Wales’s radical second-homes policy Measures aim to preserve communities and keep more homes available for locals but critics say they are ‘anti-tourist’ From next year, councils will be able to raise discretionary council tax premiums for second homes to 300% – so a £1,000 bill for a permanent resident wouldContinue reading “About second homes, nice places, finding a son and shopping lists”

The Telegraph Frontpage for 2022 November 17

By Danny Boyle Good morning. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt will deliver his Autumn Statement of tax rises and spending cuts this morning, as we reveal how Whitehall has wasted £14bn of taxpayers’ money. Hunt to set out £24bn in levies and £30bn in cuts Having been as forthright as he could possibly be in preparing theContinue reading “The Telegraph Frontpage for 2022 November 17”

Rising prices in Great Britain and help from the government

The British Government announced Thursday 3 February that the energy regulator’s new price cap – the maximum amount suppliers can charge customers for each unit of energy will add hundreds of pounds onto the annual bill for 22 million homes.

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