Our selection from Bloomberg July 18 -July 24

July 18 Having left parts of southern Europe in flames, the continental heatwave is bearing down on the British Isles. That may be a boon for UK seaside resorts, but it’s not a cause for celebration. The Met Office has issued a red alert warning for this week, with southern England bracing for temperatures ofContinue reading “Our selection from Bloomberg July 18 -July 24”

Global Headlines looked at the beginning of June 2022 by Bloomberg

3 June 2022 Gun plea | Biden called for a ban on sales of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, pleading with Congress to toughen laws following a spate of mass shootings. Still, he acknowledged that Congress is unlikely to restrict them, with Republican lawmakers, who can block the passage of bills in the Senate, vowingContinue reading “Global Headlines looked at the beginning of June 2022 by Bloomberg”

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