Saudis warn Iran is preparing for attack on kingdom

Originally posted on Levant's Agora:
By Aamer Madhani, Associated Press. The heightened concerns about a potential attack on Saudi Arabia come as the Biden administration criticises Tehran for its crackdown on protesters. Saudi Arabia has shared intelligence with American officials that suggests Iran could be preparing for an imminent attack on the kingdom, US…

The Associated Press: Biden warns Saudi Arabia of ‘consequences’ after OPEC+ cuts oil production

Originally posted on Levant's Agora:
By Aamer Madhani. President Joe Biden said Tuesday there will be “consequences” for Saudi Arabia as the Riyadh-led OPEC+ alliance moves to cut oil production and Democratic lawmakers call for a freeze on cooperation with the Saudis. Biden suggested he would soon take action, as aides announced that the…

Yemen: A country in crisis, what the world governments should practice and advocate to bring an end to the conflict

Originally posted on Sadiq's Blog:
Sadiq Salawudeen Yemen has been a country in crisis since 2015. The resignation of the former President Ali Abdullah Saleh, and the rising to power of President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi. He was forced to leave the office by the revolt from the Houthi resistance force. Since Mansur became overthrown,…

The Telegraph for the 5th week of August 2022

August 29 Boris Johnson will this week say Britain must not give up on investing in green energy in favour of short-term fixes for the cost-of-living crisis. We will be back in your inbox this evening too. Net zero | Boris Johnson set to say don’t give up on green energy Jane Shilling | Don’tContinue reading “The Telegraph for the 5th week of August 2022”

Israel not building up their weaponry for nothing

Map of Israel, the Palestinian territories (West Bank and Gaza Strip), the Golan Heights, and portions of neighbouring countries. Also United Nations deployment areas in countries adjoining Israel or Israeli-held territory, as of January 2004. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Is Israel building up their weaponry in preparation of their defence of their nation as part ofContinue reading “Israel not building up their weaponry for nothing”

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