The Week of 2022 September 12 – 18

September 12 Russian forces target Ukraine power stations while retreating Retreating Russian forces attacked Ukrainian power stations and other infrastructure as they fled from Kharkiv province in the face of a Ukrainian counterattack to reclaim territory seized by Russia early in its invasion. Russia’s precision strikes caused a fire at a large power station outsideContinue reading “The Week of 2022 September 12 – 18”

The first week of August 2022 as seen by the Week

August 01 1st ship containing Ukrainian grain leaves port under deal The first ship carrying Ukrainian grain left the Odesa port on Monday under a deal seeking to get a backlog of crops out of the country to ease a growing global hunger crisis. The ship was headed to Lebanon with more than 26,000 tonsContinue reading “The first week of August 2022 as seen by the Week”

The Week from 2022 July 25 – July 31

Things you need to know what happened July 25 House Jan. 6 committee to interview more Trump Cabinet members The House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack said Sunday it would interview more members of former President Donald Trump’s Cabinet, as well as other prominent supporters. The committee also is prepared toContinue reading “The Week from 2022 July 25 – July 31”

The Quakers and the Underground Railroad

Originally posted on Gifford MacShane, Author:
You’ve heard about the Underground Railroad in the southern coastal states, and Harriet Tubman’s and Frederick Douglass’s heroism in aiding slaves escape to the northeastern states and Canada. The Railroad actually had several distinct routes to freedom, as shown on this map from National Geographic. The branch on the…

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