We were told Brexit would help Britain protect its environment – it hasn’t

Helena Horton When UK environmental groups warned back in 2016 that Brexit could mean slashing of green rules and degradation of the natural world, they were accused of scaremongering as a part of “Project Fear”. In fact, then-environment secretary Michael Gove hailed “the great progressive prize of a green Brexit”, promising more environmental protections whichContinue reading “We were told Brexit would help Britain protect its environment – it hasn’t”

Unintentional or intentional destruction of a people in Gaza and a climate crisis

Although the UN Office on  and the Responsibility to Protect offers a more legalistic definition, ‘genocide’ is universally understood to refer to the intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part. Intent can be difficult to prove in a court of law unless the accused has been foolish or brazen enough to expoundContinue reading “Unintentional or intentional destruction of a people in Gaza and a climate crisis”

Will Sunak rebuild green agenda torn up by Truss?

Shall the new PM Mr. Sunak carry on with the previous policies brought forward by the British government or ditch them for the sake of party unity and electability.

2022 Second half of July – Here’s what else you need to know in Green

Noxious fumes | Dumps and landfills near South Asian megacities are huge emitters of methane, highlighting a major challenge in the global climate fight. More clouds of the greenhouse gas — which has 84 times the warming power of carbon dioxide over its first 20 years in the atmosphere — were spotted in India thanContinue reading “2022 Second half of July – Here’s what else you need to know in Green”

Four ways Joe Biden has failed on climate

Below is a photo of Emily Holden in 2017, crowded around the TV at the climate publication she worked for, looking resigned as then president Donald Trump announced the US was withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement. Emily Holden writes: I couldn’t have imagined the wild ride I was in for. Over four years, TrumpContinue reading “Four ways Joe Biden has failed on climate”

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