COP27 – UK lead negotiator: “I’m incredibly disappointed”

Originally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop:
Photosynthesis: nature requires carbon dioxide Still claiming a minor trace gas essential to nature causes ‘huge climate impacts’. Unbelievable. – – – A historic deal has been struck at the UN’s COP27 summit that will see rich nations pay poorer countries for damage and economic losses caused by climate…

What was at stake in Sharm El-Sheikh

Whilst the cost of inaction is far, far greater than the cost of inaction for many countries, it was difficult to come to an agreement to contribute to a fund helping those countries most affected by pollution from the industrial and most polluting countries.

Reviews about nature for the first half of September

September 05 Switzerland’s glaciers are becoming a front-row seat to climate destruction For most of its existence glaciology has been a slow-moving profession, but this year is different. The belting heat waves that struck Europe over the past few months handed the specialists in Alpine ice sheets an unprecedented set of challenges. And some ofContinue reading “Reviews about nature for the first half of September”

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