What happened in the last week of 2023

Monday – Tuesday December 25-26 2023 Boxing Day. Well-wishers have greeted Prince Louis and second cousin Mia after a youthful service, part of our coverage of the Royal family’s Christmas. There’s also concern at a new analysis showing menopausal women face a “health lottery” in HRT. Watch: King preaches ‘universal’ values of Christians, Jews andContinue reading “What happened in the last week of 2023”

Palestinians facing bombardments in greater intensity than all of the previous wars combined

Israel lacks the political flexibility or pragmatic imagination needed to build common grounds, firstly with the Palestinians and secondly with the Arab states, upon which an end to this continuous series of crises could be built.

Hamas-Israel war – October 2023

A review day by day what started and what happened around the new Israeli-Hamas conflict, perhaps going into a long during war.

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