In Coronatime thinking about death

None of us likes thinking about death, but there are times when we have little choice. For weeks now we did not hear anything else that so many died. Everywhere in the world, lives are lost. The unseen enemy has reached every corner of society, being rich does not help you to avoid the deathContinue reading “In Coronatime thinking about death”

Are you religious, spiritual, or do you belong to a religion, having a faith or interfaith

Many people today feel they have stepped away from religion, and found a way to feed their spirituality without a religion or faith practice.   Religion and its contribution to culture of peace (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Many practice ‘out of religion’ activities and are convinced they have nothing to do with ‘a religion’. But….If theyContinue reading “Are you religious, spiritual, or do you belong to a religion, having a faith or interfaith”

Dying or not

Are there people who have no death in them? According to Scriptures nobody is going to escape death. Since what happened in Eden we all have to face pain, ageing, deterioration, dying. Immortality is not given to us worldly people. We are all going to die, which means that we are going to cease toContinue reading “Dying or not”

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