The Guardian’s view on the world 5th week of May 2022

May 28

Boris Johnson accused of changing ministerial code to ‘save his skin’
Politics / Boris Johnson accused of changing ministerial code to ‘save his skin’
Rewritten rules remove need to resign – instead ministers can apologise or temporarily lose pay for breaches
‘We’re going to lose, we deserve it’: the view from inside the Tory party
Biden says Putin trying to ‘wipe out’ a culture, as prospect of retreat looms in east
Ukraine / Biden says Putin trying to ‘wipe out’ a culture, as prospect of retreat looms in east
US president says Putin trying to eliminate people’s identity, as governor of Luhansk says retreat in Sievierodonetsk may be needed to avoid becoming surrounded.
Russia-Ukraine war: Donbas will stay Ukrainian, vows Zelenskiy, as fighting rages in east

Analysis / Russia’s ‘cauldron’ tactic may be tipping Donbas battle in its favour

Platinum jubilee / Bunting shortage looms as revellers scramble for supplies
Bunting shortage looms as revellers scramble for supplies

May 29

Boris Johnson is trashing Tory identity, party grandees warn Conservatives / Boris Johnson is trashing Tory identity, party grandees warn


Downing Street accused of trying to ‘dilute’ Sue Gray’s Partygate report


Boris Johnson to reportedly bring back imperial measurements to mark platinum jubilee
Boris Johnson to reportedly bring back imperial measurements to mark platinum jubilee
Partygate and U-turns on tax are ‘undermining message’, say Conservative MPs as more call for him to quit
Bristol / Do wood burners add to air pollution in cities? Yes, say citizen scientists
Kherson diarists tell of their flight from Russians
‘We were lucky to escape’ / Kherson diarists tell of their flight from Russians
Their dispatches in the Observer revealed the reality of life in the occupied city. Now the two female journalists are safe in England but want to continue their work
Ukraine / Kyiv pleads for weapons as Russian onslaught threatens to turn tide
Exclusive / Russia-linked superyachts ‘going dark’ to avoid tracking systems
Full report / Putin defiant as Macron and Scholz call for fresh Ukraine peace talks

May 30

Scandal caused by ‘30 years of racist immigration laws’ – report
Windrush / Scandal caused by ‘30 years of racist immigration laws’ – report
Exclusive: legislation has been designed to reduce the UK’s non-white population, according to leaked government paper
Partygate / Labour urges inquiry into alleged second event at No 10 hosted by Carrie Johnson
Property / Average UK house price tops £250,000 but ‘market starting to slow’

US / Trump calls Capitol attack an ‘insurrection hoax’ as public hearings set to begin

May 31

PM's lurch to the right adds to momentum for leadership vote
Boris Johnson / PM’s lurch to the right adds to momentum for leadership vote
Several Tory MPs believe the 54-letter threshold has been reached and that a challenge to PM could be mounted as soon as next week
Johnson’s ‘red meat’ policy proposals are telling of his insecurity
Johnson’s ‘red meat’ policy proposals are telling of his insecurity
EU leaders agree to partial embargo of Russian oil imports
Sanctions / EU leaders agree to partial embargo of Russian oil imports
Two-thirds of imports will be banned and Sberbank ejected from Swift but Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia to keep supplies
Ukraine / French journalist killed by shrapnel from Russian shell
Vladimir Putin / Rumours persist about president’s health – with little to back them up
Queen’s jubilee tree planting sponsors ‘linked to deforestation’
Queen’s jubilee tree planting sponsors ‘linked to deforestation’

June 01 – June 04

Gas supplies to Netherlands and firms in Denmark and Germany cutRussia / Gas supplies to Netherlands and firms in Denmark and Germany cut


Gazprom turns off the taps after EU move to embargo most Russian oil imports and companies miss deadline to pay in roubles

Himars / What are the advanced rockets US is sending Ukraine?
Exclusive / Mass civil legal action to seek compensation for Ukrainian war victims
Exclusive / Mass civil legal action to seek compensation for Ukrainian war victims
Boris Johnson’s allies lobby MPs to stop Tory support draining away
Conservatives / Boris Johnson’s allies lobby MPs to stop Tory support draining away
Sense of crisis deepens in No 10 as speculation mounts about no-confidence vote in prime minister

Pounds, ounces, pints! Johnson is offering a whole bushel worth of phoned-in gibberish
Marina Hyde
GPs / Criminal acts of violence at UK surgeries almost double in five years
Prince Andrew / Archbishop of Canterbury suggests duke wants to ‘make amends’
Debt / UK credit card borrowing rises at fastest annual rate for 17 years
‘Complex and volatile’ / Cryptocurrencies should be regulated by financial watchdogs, say consumer advocates
Cryptocurrencies should be regulated by financial watchdogs, say consumer advocates
UK credit card borrowing rises at fastest annual rate for 17 years

Jury rules in favour of Johnny DeppHeard-Depp trial verdict / Jury rules in favour of Johnny Depp


The jury in the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard defamation trial has ruled in favor of Johnny Depp, finding that a Washington Post editorial she wrote defamed her former husband.


The jurors’ unanimous decision on Wednesday capped a seven-week trial in a Virginia courtroom which featured dozens of witnesses and experts weighing in on whether Depp was abusive to Heard – or vice versa – during their 15-month marriage.

Heard left the court without comment. But the 36-year-old actor posted soon after on Twitter that she was heartbroken by the verdict.


“The disappointment I feel today is beyond words. I’m heartbroken that the mountain of evidence still was not enough to stand up to the disproportionate power, influence and sway of my ex-husband,” Heard said.

“I’m even more disappointed with what this verdict means for other women. It’s a setback. It sets back the clock to a time when a woman who spoke up and spoke out could be publicly humiliated. It sets back the idea that violence against women is to be taken seriously,’’ she said.

The focus of the case was a 2018 editorial Heard wrote in the Washington Post calling herself ‘a public figure representing domestic abuse’

The Amber Heard-Johnny Depp trial was an orgy of misogyny
Moira Donegan
What will Johnny Depp’s legal victory mean for his and Amber Heard’s careers?
The Amber Heard-Johnny Depp trial was an orgy of misogyny

Queen’s birthday honours / PM’s critic Jeremy Wright recognised alongside Lewis, Foster, Ferdinand
Boris Johnson / Ethics watchdog says PM has failed to allay fears he is above the rules

US says Ukraine will not use US-supplied rocket systems to hit Russian territoryWeapons / US says Ukraine will not use US-supplied rocket systems to hit Russian territory


War of attrition / How the conflict in Ukraine has developed

Boss of devastated Azovstal plant / ‘Steel is as key to Ukraine’s victory as soldiers’ Washington says it has assurances as Moscow warns supply risks ‘third country’ being drawn into war

‘Things got weird’ / They used my identity to flog a doomed cryptocurrency
‘Complex and volatile’ / Cryptocurrencies should be regulated by financial watchdogs, say consumer advocates

They used my identity to flog a doomed cryptocurrency

Arms sent to Ukraine will end up in criminal hands, says Interpol chief
Weapons / Arms sent to Ukraine will end up in criminal hands, says Interpol chief
Jürgen Stock urges members to cooperate on arms tracing as weapons will flood hidden economy when war ends
Devastation and defiance in Ukraine / 100 days of a war that is reshaping Europe

Sievierodonetsk / Children among 800 people hiding beneath factory
Hillary Clinton / Vladimir Putin has ‘almost messianic belief in himself’
Vladimir Putin / US imposes sanctions on luxury yacht firm linked to Russian president
Russia is winning the economic war – and Putin is no closer to withdrawing troops
Larry Elliott

Royals show jubilee unity with Meghan on same style pageTrue blue / Royals show jubilee unity with Meghan on same style page Queen, Kate, Camilla, Meghan and younger Cambridges wear harmonious shades of bluePlatinum jubilee / Queen leads lighting of beacons but will miss St Paul’s service

Climate activists vow to fight as new gasfield gets go-ahead in North Sea
Animal Rebellion activists arrested after disrupting platinum jubilee event on Mall

Climate activists vow to fight as new gasfield gets go-ahead in North SeaUK officials in line for immunity in assisting crimes overseas, say critics Exclusive / UK officials in line for immunity in assisting crimes overseas, say critics

Draft security bill would let spies and ministers enable killings and torture, warn charity and ex-minister


Ministers and spies would be given immunity from accusations of assisting crimes overseas under a new national security law to be debated by MPs next week, a human rights charity and former Tory cabinet minister have warned.

The Home Office was told that the powers being proposed were “far too slack” and would diminish the UK’s moral authority to condemn atrocities such as the killing of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

“This bill is drafted so loosely that it could let ministers off the hook if they authorised crimes like murder and torture from the safety of their desks in Whitehall.

The campaign to ‘de-Russify’ OdesaPeter Obukhov has drawn up a list of historical figures who have given their names to streets in the Ukrainian city, a Russian-speaking port


‘We need the truth’ / The campaign to ‘de-Russify’ Odesa


Russia-Ukraine war latest: Ukrainians push back in Sievierodonetsk; Africans are victims of the war, Putin told


Absent Queen fails to deter jubilee service crowdsThe goal is to get a wave’ / Absent Queen fails to deter jubilee service crowds

Royal fans ‘a bit sad’ not to see monarch but relish the atmosphere outside St Paul’s thanksgiving event

Platinum jubilee / Queen’s absence strikes symbolic note as royals gather at service

The Queen, the great uniter, couldn’t make it. Alas, Boris the great divider could
Zoe Williams
Money / Credit unions are helping Britons survive – but can they really rival banks?

Credit unions are helping Britons survive – but can they really rival banks?

Air transport / Shapps ‘risks travel chaos by ruling out emergency visa for aviation workers’

Shapps ‘risks travel chaos by ruling out emergency visa for aviation workers’

Published by Guestspeaker

A joint effort of several authors who do find that nobody can keep standing at the side and that “Everyone" must care about what is going on in today’s world. We are a bunch of people who do not mind that somebody has a totally different idea but is willing to share the ideas with others and to be Active and willing to let others understand how "today’s decisions will influence the future”. Therefore we would love to see many others to "Act today".

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