Quakers: Their History, Beliefs and Meticulous Records

Originally posted on Ancestry Bird Dog:
Quakers, the Religious Society of Friends Quakers are members of a group with Christian roots that began in England in the 1650s. The formal title of the movement is the Society of Friends or the Religious Society of Friends.? Their founder was George Fox (1624-1691) of Leicestershire, England. Fox…

A possible Quakers’ extinction crisis

A look at the Quakers or Society of Friends

Living and Loving Faithfully

A Response to the Church of England’s Document and Discourse on Sexuality, Marriage and Gender. New Testament Marriage, Blessings & Covenants: This year, in England and Wales at least, the ‘Gay Marriage‘ controversy has been hitting the headlines again, especially in recent weeks, with the Church in Wales performing its first service of blessing for aContinue reading “Living and Loving Faithfully”

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