Dead do not speak

Die Toten sprechen und denken nicht Remembering the deceased It is not bad to regularly think of those who have died. Those who were close to us, but who have left us for good, need not disappear from our thoughts. We can think of them regularly. Autumn is the season par excellence to think aboutContinue reading “Dead do not speak”

In Coronatime thinking about death

None of us likes thinking about death, but there are times when we have little choice. For weeks now we did not hear anything else that so many died. Everywhere in the world, lives are lost. The unseen enemy has reached every corner of society, being rich does not help you to avoid the deathContinue reading “In Coronatime thinking about death”

What is life?

What is life? Our answer to this question will, to some extent, depend on what is on our mind when we are asked. Life has physical, emotional, relational and spiritual aspects and each of these will have an influence on our answer. Think about it for a moment. What does it mean to you, rightContinue reading “What is life?”

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