The Telegraph’s look at the world for the weekend of 2022 December 17-18

Good morning. The Armed Forces are not “spare capacity” for striking workers, the chief of the defence staff has said as he cautioned against relying on the military as the “ultimate backstop” during strikes. Headlines: Sunday’s essential news Strikes | Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, the head of Britain’s Armed Forces, warned it would be “slightlyContinue reading “The Telegraph’s look at the world for the weekend of 2022 December 17-18”

Reasons why Christianity is declining rapidly in America

Christianity is declining rapidly in America. Over approximately the past decade, the percentage of Americans who identify as Christian has gone down 12% – from 75% to 63%.

After 2,000 UK Church Buildings Close, New Church Plants Get Creative

The decline in church attendance has become a fact in all capitalist countries.

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