Continuous battle in Ukraine the fourth week of July 2023

July 24, 2023 Lukashenko ‘struggling to keep Wagner troops from attacking Poland’ Belarus is struggling to restrain Wagner mercenaries from attacking Poland, Alexander Lukashenko has said. The Belarusian leader made the claim during a meeting with Vladimir Putin in St Petersburg, days after Warsaw accused Moscow of using Wagner and Minsk to destabilise Eastern Europe.Continue reading “Continuous battle in Ukraine the fourth week of July 2023”

News from Ukraine for the third week of July 2023

Monday July 17 2023 Since the start of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, tens of thousands of Ukrainian children have gone missing. While many of these children were taken to Russia for “re-education” or “adoption”, others managed an incredible escape. In an exclusive report, Russia Correspondent Nataliya Vasilyeva tells the heart-wrenching stories of the childrenContinue reading “News from Ukraine for the third week of July 2023”

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