2023 Easter Sunday’s essential news

The leader of the Scottish Conservatives has told voters to back Labour at the next election to oust the SNP, prompting fury in Tory HQ. Plus: Two Britons killed in the West Bank have been named. Tory fury | Douglas Ross, the Scottish Conservatives leader, has provoked anger in the party’s London headquarters after sayingContinue reading “2023 Easter Sunday’s essential news”

Despite centrist stitch-ups, the left struggles on in Labour

Originally posted on 21centurymanifesto:
We must salute those who decide to ‘stay and fight’ — but what we can reasonably expect to win now after three years of Keir Starmer’s onslaught is much reduced, says NICK WRIGHT writing in the Morning Star ABOVE: THE SPIRIT REMAINS: Jeremy Corbyn with members of the NEU at rally,…

Madrid 1936: Spanish Workers Fought Back the Fascists

Originally posted on Red October Goth:
The banner reads “They Shall Not Pass! Fascism wants to conquer Madrid! Madrid will be the tomb of Fascism!” November 1936, Madrid workers erecting a barricade to keep Franco’s fascist army out of the city. Original Facebook Note #17 published 4 February 2017 “At the present time, while this…

Not rewarding virtue, talent, worthiness or hard work

  Jeff Bezos got nearly $300,000 to start a small online bookstore that was statistically unlikely to succeed (most small businesses fail within their first years). Elon Musk acquired several thousands of dollars in his first projects, and Tesla often gets subsidies in hundreds of millions of dollars from the American government. In stark contrast,Continue reading “Not rewarding virtue, talent, worthiness or hard work”

About Human Nature

Theories about the nature of humankind form a part of every culture. While the class structures imposed on the different societies may not have been desirable per se, they were in a sense necessary for society to keep progressing.

All that is solid still melts into air.

Originally posted on Pratik is Typing:
The Communist Manifesto is an embarrassing first choice for reviews. For all the studying about Marx during college, I managed to dodge this one. To top that, I ended up buying a copy published by a behemoth embroiled in an anti-trust case. Written as a practical and theoretical tract…

The Telegraph Frontpage for 2022 November 08

By Danny Boyle We can reveal that the Prime Minister is poised to announce a major gas deal with the US to tackle the energy crisis. At the same time, his Chancellor is preparing to unveil a new tax raid. Sunak to announce US deal to allay blackout fears Britain has been in advanced negotiationsContinue reading “The Telegraph Frontpage for 2022 November 08”

The Telegraph headlines for the weekend of 29-30 September 2022

Before you commit to reading the selected articles. We would like to remind readers of “Some View on the World” that not all articles are in line with founder Marcus Ampe’s ideas. This is because he believes it is important that opposing thoughts should also be heard. Gain a clearer perspective on the stories thatContinue reading “The Telegraph headlines for the weekend of 29-30 September 2022”

Mich, In The Talk News a.o. about Italian Election: Giorgia Meloni claims victory

The meagre voter turnout in Italy, clearly shows how the fed up population is not at all interested in the political scene and is willing to adopt a wait-and-see attitude.

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