The Order of Time – by Carlo Rovelli


To remember

  • time =/= exist as a fundamental feature of the universe
  • time =/= unified; i.e. no global, universal rate of time. =/= independent/absolute
  • world bereft of ‘time’
  • time = simply change = feature of universe, just not a universal, or fundamental, one.
  • time ‘flows’ from past to future
  • time = continuous
  • no universal ‘now’
  • Planck time = smallest temporal division possible
  • for things to exist = must persist in time

Absurd Being

Image result for time

What is time? Why does it have a direction? Is it an illusion? Luckily for us, theoretical physicist Carlo Rovelli, in his excellent book The Order of Time, has answered these questions… or if that’s too bold a claim, at least given us a nice head start on them. His position on time essentially confirms what phenomenologists like Husserl, Heidegger, and Sartre have had to say on the subject while also offering a physical explanation for how it arises. It is this last feature that really makes the book stand out. When I read through this, I felt like a profound secret had suddenly been revealed, as if a portion of the universe had suddenly and satisfactorily clicked into place. In this article, I plan to walk through Rovelli’s book and hopefully give you that same hit.

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Published by Guestspeaker

A joint effort of several authors who do find that nobody can keep standing at the side and that “Everyone" must care about what is going on in today’s world. We are a bunch of people who do not mind that somebody has a totally different idea but is willing to share the ideas with others and to be Active and willing to let others understand how "today’s decisions will influence the future”. Therefore we would love to see many others to "Act today".

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