Do Al-Qaeda, Islamic State, ISIS and ISIL belong to true Islam

President Barack Obama channeled George W. Bush.  The former has assembled a grand coalition to fight a new Middle Eastern war.  According to Forbes only President Obama acted without legal authority and stuck the U.S. with most of the work.

English: President George W. Bush and Presiden...
President George W. Bush and President-elect Barack Obama meet in the Oval Office of the White House Monday, November 10, 2008. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

According to Forbes Contributor Doug Bandow the Islamic State is evil, but the organization’s raison d’etre is establishing a Middle Eastern caliphate, or quasi-state, not terrorizing Americans.  In fact, grabbing territory provided the U.S. with a target for retaliation in response to any attack, something lacking with al-Qaeda and its many off-shoots.
But are the aims of Al-Qaeda and Islamic State not going further, hoping to convert the whole world to the Islam and having one world regime under Islamic Law?

U.S.A. Secretary Jeh Johnson said:  “We know of no credible information that ISIL is planning to attack the homeland at present.”

Two weeks ago President Barack Obama did try to make a broader point when he uttered

 “Let’s be clear: While this group may call itself the “Islamic State,” it is not “Islamic.””

which made that several Americans and critics on Twitter quickly fired off on the President for making the assertion, with many noting that ISIL in fact stands for the “Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.” 


What Obama said in his prime-time speech Wednesday night September 10 can be found in ISIL will find no safe haven where the president rightly accuses those who just kill innocent people and destroy also Islamic heritage not to be people who live according the rules of the faith they say to defend. Why would they rape and kill other Muslims if they are real faithful Muslims and how can it that they bomb, burn and destroy Qurans, whilst in case Western people would do such a thing they would call for a fatwa and shout for murder of that person.

Muslim political, religious and social commentator regularly appearing on British television and radio presenter Mohammed Ansar also know as a leading public advocate against extremism, has tackled both international terror threats and domestic far-right radicalisation. Mohammed is well known for his advocacy for Muslim civil rights and is outspoken against Islamophobia. Mohammed became the focus of international attention when he was named at the top of terrorist organisation Al Shabab’s most-wanted list. In spite of this, Mohammed has continued to speak out publically against the rise of terror and extremism, and to promote peace and tolerance amongst communities. Mohammed advocates a return to an authentic Islamic enlightenment as part of the Muslim revivalist and spiritual reformational movement.

For him there is no doubt that in these coming days, global , almost a third of humanity, will unite across all forms of division, in the worship of one God. But to have Islamic State being part of that true worshipping community seems to be a bridge too far. Many today still have no idea that is the completion of the religion which was revealed to mankind through a single line of Prophets.
On the 11° of September he tweeted:
 ISIL is not Islamic, says prime time @BarackObama (and virtually every Muslim and reasonably educated person on the face of our planet).
Also for Ameena Jandali, the Content Director for Islamic Networks Group (ING), a non-profit organization that counters prejudice and discrimination against American Muslims by teaching about their traditions and contributions in the context of America’s history and cultural diversity, while building relations between American Muslims and other groups, it is clear there is something wrong in the attitude of those Jihad fighters. 
this year, hajj will take place against the ugly backdrop of a group that has come to represent the antithesis of what the pilgrimage signifies: Unity through diversity, brotherhood and equality, and the sanctity of religion, its symbols and holy places.

For Patheos and Time he writes:

As ISIS sends another two hundred thousand Muslim Kurds fleeing into Turkey after terrorizing Christian, Yazidi, and other populations for months, millions of pilgrims in Islam’s two holiest cities are gathered to peacefully commemorate Abraham, the father, not only of Islam, but of Judaism and Christianity.

Jandali points to the other major theme of hajj which is the interconnectedness of humankind, which is demonstrated by the simple white pieces of cloth which all male pilgrims wear during the duration of the hajj, no matter from where in the world they come.

Jandali continues:

Especially at this holy time, the stark contrast between the lofty goals of the religion and the actions of groups like ISIS, Boko Haram and others who make a mockery of Islam with their brutal and merciless behavior is a painful reminder that religion is not about terminology or slogans. Rather, true religion is explained in a saying of the Prophet Muhammad,
“I was only sent to perfect good character.”

I also think when we see and hear what those fundamentalists do that they do too many things which are against the idea of Quran and certainly against the Words of God like we know them. Seeing how they treat other Muslims makes us think and wonder what their real motives are. There we clearly can see that power and making an own state is the major mover. In case the incentive would be to make a sacred Islamic State than they should accept all Muslim brothers and sisters as part of the people united under the teachings of the prophet Muhammad. In case their ideas, motives are really funded on the believe they should spread the true belief in One God, they would not destroy such books like the Quran, which would and should be a Holy Book for all Muslims.

In my article Not true or True Catholicism and True Islam I go deeper into this matter and show more reasons why Islamic State (IS) is not a real true Islamic Movement.

Please do find to read:



if you think you can lecture on Islam!
  • \’ISIL Is Not Islamic\’? Is Obama Completely Insane? (
    The stated goal of these religious radicals is to establish an Islamic caliphate which will be governed by a single supreme Islamic leader known as a khalifah.  The law in the caliphate will be Islamic sharia law, and anyone not willing to convert to the form of Islam practiced by the Islamic State will be either killed or persecuted intensely.  But because of Barack Obama’s extreme political correctness, he simply cannot admit that the Islamic State has anything to do with Islam.  As a result, he continues to pursue policies that will not solve anything in the Middle East and at this point our foreign policy in the region is a total joke.

Well… I have to agree with him. It isn’t.
Most Muslims around the world are horrified at what ISL is doing and they will tell you that this is not Islam.
We all know that ISL has been trained in Jordan by the CIA, is funded by Saudi Arabia and in recent disclosures, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is a trained actor and is actually an Israeli agent.
As a number of people have pointed out, ISL attacks Christians and there is a deafening from Christian communities in Europe and in the USA, and it does not attack Israel.
More recently is it being revealed that the Muslim Brotherhood and their attempt at over throwing Egypt is in lock step with ISL and Saudi Arabia. They were going to hand over the Sinai to Hamas, which in turn was started by Mosaad. The Muslim Brotherhood was also being funded by Obama and Clinton.
The objective is, the creation of Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates River, including Syria, whilst Saudi Arabia will head and Islamic Caliphate across North Africa and the southern regions of Iraq and Iran.
The other main objective of CIA, Mosaad and ISL, is to obliterate all Orthodox Christians from the whole area. This, under the Muslim Brotherhood when they controlled Egypt also included a war with Ethiopia, 80% Christian, Orthodox and also one of the oldest Christian communities in the world. In Iran by comparison, Jews and Christians are protected, as they are under Asaad in Syria. Iran has the largest community of Jews outside of Israel.
Muslims , both Sunni and Shia will tell you that the actions of these people go against the very fundamentals of Islam. These people are MKULtra mind controlled and trained covert military operatives. So Obama is actually right, they are not Islam.

  • Obama Puts Americans at Risk: ISIL\’s Neighbors Should Eliminate the \”Caliphate\” (
    Washington has never had much success in fixing the Middle East. The United States has been bombing Iraq since 1991. ISIL would not exist but for America’s 2003 invasion.
    Washington has been battling al-Qaeda since 2001. While the national organization is largely kaput, the group has spawned multiple national off-shoots.
    The Bush administration justifiably overthrew the Afghan Taliban as punishment for hosting al-Qaeda. But 13 years of nation-building has been far less successful.
    Three years ago, the Obama administration declared that Syria’s Bashar al-Assad had to go. Since then, “moderates” have lost ground. The Islamic State’s capture of the city of Raqqa created a base for attacking Iraq.
  • How could a group called \’Islamic state\’ not be Islamist? (
    He lost me when he referred to ISIS as ISIL, thus undercutting their view of themselves as a routinely Islamist imperialist venture which views not only Iraq and Syria as part of their future \”Caliphate,\” but one which includes Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and the disputed Palestinian territories—and perhaps Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Emirates–as theirs to command.
    If there are currently fewer Christians and Yazidis, not to mention Kurds, in the cross-fire, (let\’s not forget the Christians of Lebanon or Egypt at the hands of Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood), it is only because those who could, fled long ago or were just forced to flee and now swell the ranks of refugees living on the edge, far, far greater in number than the poster-children among refugees, the Palestinians.
  • \’ISIL Is Not Islamic\’? Is Obama Completely Insane? (
    because of Barack Obama’s extreme political correctness, he simply cannot admit that the Islamic State has anything to do with Islam.  As a result, he continues to pursue policies that will not solve anything in the Middle East and at this point our foreign policy in the region is a total joke.
    Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State, is calling himself “Caliph Ibrahim” these days.  And his public statements leave no doubt about what the group is trying to do.  Here are just three examples…
    #1 “Allah likes us to kill his enemies and make jihad”
    #2 “The establishment of a caliphate is an obligation. The religion cannot be in place unless the sharia (law) is established.”
    #3 “God gave your mujahedeen brothers victory after long years of jihad and patience… so they declared the caliphate and placed the caliph in charge”
  • ISIL, ISIS – Now QSIS? Top Sunni Cleric Says Stop Calling Terrorists \’Islamic\’ (
    One of the Arab world’s top Sunni authorities launched a campaign Sunday urging media to drop all names for the group that incorporate the word “Islamic,” in favor of “al-Qaeda separatists in Iraq and Syria” (QSIS).
    Dar al-Iftaa (“the House of Fatwas”) in Cairo, headed by Egyptian grand mufti Shawki Ibrahim Allam, has launched an Internet-based campaign aimed at distancing Islam from the group known variously as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham, or simply Islamic State.
    The campaign includes the launching of a Facebook page entitled “Call it Qa’ida Separatists not Islamic State,” and calling for people to post messages or video clips opposing ISIS terrorism.
    “This page aims at clarifying the tarnished image of Islam across the globe due to the terrorist group’s horrendous act of attaching the name of Islam to their appalling acts which could not be justified under any religion or creed,” Dar al-Iftaa said.
    “Muslim and non-Muslim thinkers across the world are invited to post their opinions, videos and posts against Qaeda Separatists.”


Shaykh Bin Bayyah talks about ways to counter violent extremism in our modern world…


Latest news: Dar al-Iftaa signs an #open_letter addressed to #QSIS to condemn their extremist ideologies and clarify the true teachings of #Islam

Dar al-Iftaa signs an open letter addressed to QSIS to condemn their extremist ideologies and…



Published by Marcus Ampe

Retired dancer, choreographer, choreologist Founder of the Dance impresario office and archive: Danscontact-Dansarchief plus the Association for Bible scholars, the Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" and "From Guestwriters" and creator of the site "Messiah for all". - Gepensioneerd danser, choreograaf, choreoloog. Stichter van Danscontact-Dansarchief plus van de Vereniging voor Bijbelvorsers, de Lifestyle magazines "Stepping Toes" en "From Guestwriters" en maker van de site "Messiah for all".

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