The Israel-Hamas War: What should Christians think about it?

New from WCF Video “The Israel-Hamas War What should Christians think about it?” The October 7 terror attack in Israel and the war in Gaza now grip our world. What should Christians make of it? Torn between feelings of compassion and their beliefs, one small group recently met to discuss peace, faith, and hope. WATCHContinue reading “The Israel-Hamas War: What should Christians think about it?”

BBC editorial policy to speak about a terrorist and a “fighter” or “militant”

Sir – It was reported on Monday night that two football supporters had been murdered in Brussels. The BBC News headline online read: “Brussels shooting: suspect at large after two Swedes killed in terror attack”. Given the BBC’s refusal to call the massacre of some 1,400 Israeli citizens and other nationals last weekend a “terrorContinue reading “BBC editorial policy to speak about a terrorist and a “fighter” or “militant””

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