European Youth Event 2023: The effects of climate change

Climate change will cost billions of euros and damage all our economic sectors. Even if we manage to slash emissions, the world is still likely to reach 1.5°C of warming within the next 20 years. This means that the impacts of climate change will become increasingly severe, with more frequent and intense extreme weather events.

Philosophy of frugal simplicity

 Two centuries of industrialisation, population growth and frenzied economic activity has bequeathed us smog; polluted lakes, rivers and oceans; toxic waste; soil erosion; deforestation;  of plant and animal species, and global warming. The philosophy of frugal simplicity expresses values and advocates a lifestyle that might be our best hope for reversing these trends and preservingContinue reading “Philosophy of frugal simplicity”

‘Carbon offsets’ claim to help the planet

26/01/2023 ‘Carbon offsets’ on flights, food and even TV claim to help the planet – what if they don’t? Patrick Greenfield Our investigation into rainforest offsets approved by Verra, the organisation that operates the world’s leading carbon standard, was driven by a simple question: are the carbon credits trustworthy? Protecting the world’s remaining tropical rainforestsContinue reading “‘Carbon offsets’ claim to help the planet”

What’s Shaping Your Grocery Shopping Habits?

Understanding why supermarkets are set up the way they are enables us to avoid falling for the trickery quite so easily.

Climate Warrior: Dismantling perfectionism and activism

Lizzie Carr 2022, August 03 Firstly, I want to say thank you to everyone who signed up to join the Planet Patrol’s citizen science Water Quality Testing Programme following last month’s newsletter. I’m grateful to have this platform, both as a cathartic outlet for climate anxiety but also to bring attention to the community-led initiativesContinue reading “Climate Warrior: Dismantling perfectionism and activism”

The Opinionated Truth

Originally posted on Amitav Chowdhury:
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. -Marcus Aurelius When there are immense possibilities much beyond our ability to comprehend the truth of this existence, there are also greater chances of being mislead with false perceptions that have been…

The link between extreme weather and extreme inequality

As the climate crisis escalates it will have an impact on most aspects of our lives wherever we are living, from security to the cost of living, from where and how we live and move around, to our diets and even our jobs.

IPCC Climate Change Report Upstaged by Ukraine

Originally posted on Dare to Know:
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released its Sixth Report in the midst of Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine. Find out why the unfortunate timing has diverted attention from a growing global crisis. We can’t say that nobody warned us. Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius discovered the fact that releasing…

Human beings and creation

Homo sapiens sapiens – Deliberate deformity of the skull, \”Toulouse deformity \”. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Human species think they are superior to other species and behave uncontrolled hautain. Over the years they made not only a mess of their own society and history, they also intruded the life of the other species and made itContinue reading “Human beings and creation”

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