American secularism is growing — and growing more complicated

From the unpublished material: January 17, 2022

Americans are getting less “religious,” and do fewer traditionally religious things, such as belonging to a denomination, attending worship services or feeling certain that God exists.

As research in the past couple of decades has reflected those drops in behaviours and beliefs, conventional wisdom has lingered on a superficial understanding of what it really means — for our identities, our yearnings for something “bigger than ourselves” and our ideas about the role of religion in politics.

Now, a new crop of books dives into the many shades of gray in growing secularism and its important ramifications.

Deploying new research and theories, these writers go beyond the top-level data and argue that many Americans are, in fact, a mix. Someone may be devout personally, for instance, but strongly believe in church-state separation and the primacy of science and observable facts. They may be completely non-religious but also agnostic when it comes to the role of religion in public life.

Read more about it: American secularism is growing — and growing more complicated – Its impact on politics and self-identity looms large, experts say


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Published by Guestspeaker

A joint effort of several authors who do find that nobody can keep standing at the side and that “Everyone" must care about what is going on in today’s world. We are a bunch of people who do not mind that somebody has a totally different idea but is willing to share the ideas with others and to be Active and willing to let others understand how "today’s decisions will influence the future”. Therefore we would love to see many others to "Act today".

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