Further essential reads for the first half of February 2024

Why 2024 could be the year the Amazon gets the help it needs For decades, the world’s rainforests have been cleared at a relentless pace, mostly destroyed by humans for agriculture. It is a familiar tale accompanied by images of orangutans confronting loggers and cattle ranchers expanding further into the Earth’s most biodiverse places. ButContinue reading “Further essential reads for the first half of February 2024”

Essential reads concerning our earth, for the first half of October 2023

Essential reads ‘Gobsmackingly bananas’: scientists stunned by planet’s record September heat Global temperatures soared to a new record in September by a huge margin, stunning scientists and leading one to describe it as “absolutely gobsmackingly bananas”. The hottest September on record follows the hottest August and hottest July, with the latter being the hottest monthContinue reading “Essential reads concerning our earth, for the first half of October 2023”

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