God, principles and purpose.

Originally posted on Psychology with Nkatha:
What are the most important things needed to live a good life? A good life is not just about having money, fame and wealth it all about being a decent human being. Caring not only for your goals and dreams and passions but also for the needs of those…

Random Thoughts 3/15/2022 by Ray Barbier and Marcus Ampe

Originally posted on One Lifetime Blog:
Photo by Artu016bras Kokorevas on Pexels.com One must be awed, amazed and just plain overwhelmed by the courage, strength, fearlessness, and determination of the Ukrainian people. They are in a war/conflict where they are outnumbered, outgunned, and for most people would be considered dire or hopeless. To them, there…

Conscientious Objectors

Originally posted on "Speaking the Truth in Love":
This is a follow up to a previous article presenting another point of view on the same topic. I was a young man of eighteen as the war in Vietnam was raging.? Night after night the news revealed an endless stream of body bags as…

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