In the news the Second week of December 2023

Looking at the news of the second week of December 2023

Israel has to respect international humanitarian law

It is unbelievable how Israel has trampled on all International treaties in recent weeks and that no superpower has acted harder against not keeping the War Laws or Security and Insurance of Human Rights.

Did you read about the following subjects previous week

Starmer to sack Labour frontbench rebels who vote for Gaza ceasefire Sir Keir Starmer is preparing to sack Labour shadow ministers who vote in favour of backing a ceasefire in the Israel-Gaza conflict, The Telegraph understands. Figures close to the Labour leader believe more than 10 of his own frontbenchers could end up supporting theContinue reading “Did you read about the following subjects previous week”

November 15 news of the day: Israeli troops storm Gaza hospital

Israel said its military entered Gaza’s biggest hospital, Al-Shifa, early Wednesday in a “precise and targeted operation” against Hamas. Israel says Hamas has a command center under the hospital, which Hamas denies. Witnesses said Israeli tanks entered the grounds and parked outside the emergency department, and commandos rushed in, searching room by room. Hamas saysContinue reading “November 15 news of the day: Israeli troops storm Gaza hospital”

Frontpage for Thursday 16 November 2023

Why the Supreme Court ruled Rwanda deportations are unlawful The five most senior judges on the UK’s Supreme Court have ruled unanimously that the plan to deport illegal migrants to Rwanda is unlawful. Giving their verdict, Lord Reed, president of the court, said the court had fast tracked its judgement because of the “public importance”Continue reading “Frontpage for Thursday 16 November 2023”

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