Second weekend of 2023 June: In the News

Why the eye-watering cost of Labour’s green pledge didn’t add up

The Tories claimed that Labour’s main economic policy was “in tatters”, after the party’s shadow chancellor scrapped its flagship plan to spend £28 billion a year on green investment.

Friday June 9

Boris Johnson’s resignation honours list published

Boris Johnson’s long-awaited resignation honours list has been released – find out who received peerages here. Meanwhile, Nadine Dorries quit as a Tory MP, announcing her resignation just before she was denied a peerage in Mr Johnson’s exit honours list. Her decision means there will be a by-election in her Mid Bedfordshire constituency. You can follow the latest news from Westminster on our Politics live blog. It comes as Rachel Reeves said her party could no longer commit to its green investment figure from day one of a Labour government because of economic uncertainty. Matt Oliver and Melissa Lawford explain why the eye-watering cost of Labour’s green pledge didn’t add up. And Tom Harris writes that Net Zero is political insanity – as Labour’s climbdown shows.

Two pupils in hospital following attack at top boarding school

Two pupils are in hospital after being attacked in the early hours of Friday at a boarding school in Devon. Police were called at 1am to Blundell’s School in Tiverton, which charges fees of up to £40,000 a year. Officers said that three people, including two pupils, had been assaulted. A 16-year-old boy from Tiverton has been arrested on suspicion of three counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent.

Saturday June 10


Boris Johnson has stood down over partygate – but is he actually warming up for an encore?

Will Boris be back? | In a move that stunned Westminster as he stood down from his MP position, Boris Johnson accused the privileges committee of acting as a “kangaroo court” that was intent on forcing him out. It was not the only parting shot fired as Mr Johnson once again channelled his inner Arnold Schwarzenegger.
News focus  |  The rise of North Korea’s most dangerous woman

Tipped to be the future leader, Kim Jong-un’s sister Yo-jong reportedly ordered the executions of officials for ‘getting on her nerves’

As the youngest of the late leader Kim Jong-il’s seven children, she was doted on from childhood, known as ‘sweet princess Yo-jong’ to her parents. But unlike her other brother Kim Jong-chol, a royal sibling without real power, Kim Yo-jong was also ambitious.

From at least 2014 she had been ‘censor in chief’, running the nation’s Propaganda and Agitation Department (PAD), whose mission is to indoctrinate North Koreans with state ideology. Her role in government has dramatically increased since 2018, and she has played an integral part in statecraft, expanding her dynasty’s power by drawing on lessons learned from her father – along the way earning the nicknames of ‘bloodthirsty demon’ and ‘devil woman’ from certain North Korean officials.

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Sunday June 11

Boris Johnson and his allies have launched a coordinated revenge attack on Rishi Sunak’s government, threatening more parliamentary resignations.

Revenge | A source close to Boris Johnson says the three by-elections now triggered by the resignation of the former prime minister were an attempt to damage Rishi Sunak after a bitter falling-out that followed secret talks between the pair eight days ago. Meanwhile, MPs on the Commons privileges committee are considering ways to sanction supporters of Mr Johnson.

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Published by Guestspeaker

A joint effort of several authors who do find that nobody can keep standing at the side and that “Everyone" must care about what is going on in today’s world. We are a bunch of people who do not mind that somebody has a totally different idea but is willing to share the ideas with others and to be Active and willing to let others understand how "today’s decisions will influence the future”. Therefore we would love to see many others to "Act today".

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