Is a new Nakba unfolding

75 years after the Nakba, the world was able to watch Israel carrying out the worst massacre in Palestine’s history. The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades (abbreviated as IQB) or ‘Battalions of martyr Izz ad-Din al-Qassam’ often shortened to Al-Qassam Brigades named after Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, is the military wing of the Palestinian organisation Hamas, whichContinue reading “Is a new Nakba unfolding”

True Story

Originally posted on Jewish Young Professional:
An iceberg breaks off of Antarctica like a star that the sky couldn’t keep for herself, too weighted with water and gas, leaving a hole sized like Greater London, but, good news, “Not climate change,” the scientists say. But there’s other reason for alarm. Digital art by Ted Chin. From…

Jew refering to be religious or to be a people

The long-term decline in the Jewish by religion share of the population results partly from differences in the median age and fertility of Jews compared with the public at large

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