Dan Foster on what he finds the Stupidest solution to school shootings presented by a Christian Pastor

Another look at Pastor Idelman’s article, at the same time looking at the reaction on it by Dan Foster to whom a “massive spiritual awakening” isn’t teaching more Bible in schools, which is what Pastor Idleman seems to think is the answer.

The American clouds of Anti-Semitism

Image of New Statesman Cover from wikipedia commons (Photo credit: Wikipedia) 69 years old Larry Jacob who was born and raised in New York had not his ears and eyes closed the last months. He is aware of the danger that lures around the corner. In his article “Modern anti-Semitism” for the Times of IsraelContinue reading “The American clouds of Anti-Semitism”

Is the practice of religious freedom in danger in the United States of America

U.S Postage Stamp, 1957 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The Islamophobia in many democratic countries makes it a danger for the religious freedom. Even the country that always says it is so proud to be the ‘Country of the free’ and where they shout carrying weapons is part of the freedom, they seem to be willing toContinue reading “Is the practice of religious freedom in danger in the United States of America”

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