Monkeypox or mpox virus, famine, food aid and climate shocks

Today’s top stories Mosquitoes at Singapore’s National Environmental Agency CREDIT: ROSLAN RAHMAN/AFP via Getty Images An enclosure at Singapore’s National Environmental Agency is filled with Wolbachia-carrying mosquitoes. Since 2016, the city state has been releasing five million mosquitoes infected with the bacteria every week in a bid to wipe out dengue. Wolbachia prevents the mosquitoesContinue reading “Monkeypox or mpox virus, famine, food aid and climate shocks”

Bumble Bees only one small part of pollinating necessity

We regularly see people striking at wasps and bees and even knocking them to death. They forget how important they, but even those terrible mosquitoes and magnificent butterflies are. all those insects are necessary to fertilize those plants that we need to provide for our food and for the beautiful flowers. * Sorry first triedContinue reading “Bumble Bees only one small part of pollinating necessity”

Additional Health stories for July 2023

Bird flu gene may help scientists predict which strains pose a risk to humans Genetic quirk in virus may be a strong signal that it could cause a wider outbreak in people. ‘Malaria competent’ mosquitoes are on the move – where will they land next? Five people contracted malaria within the US for the firstContinue reading “Additional Health stories for July 2023”

Scorching summer conditions, extreme heat and wildfires

The summer of 2022 was Europe’s hottest ever Credit: VALERY HACHE/AFP/Getty Images The human toll of last year’s scorching summer conditions has been laid bare in new research which estimates that more than 61,000 people died in Europe from the record-breaking 2022 heatwaves, with the highest loss of life recorded among the over-80s. In Britain,Continue reading “Scorching summer conditions, extreme heat and wildfires”

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