Weekly World Watch for the end of April to beginning of May 2024

In April President Biden had said he expected an attack on Israel from Iran “sooner than later” as Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets into northern Israel in a prelude to a feared Iranian revenge attack. Israel is braced for a potentially major escalation in its conflict with Iran after a US intelligence assessment warned that Tehran couldContinue reading “Weekly World Watch for the end of April to beginning of May 2024”

Could there be a border deal between Israel and Lebanon?

Israeli strikes on suspected Hezbollah missile launch sites following rocket attacks from Lebanon By Nataliya Vasilyeva In Jerusalem As cross-border clashes between Israel and Hezbollah are raising fears of a second front for Israel, a top Lebanese official has come forward with a rare diplomatic outreach that could prevent the fighting spilling over into aContinue reading “Could there be a border deal between Israel and Lebanon?”

8-9 essential headlines

Cameron says Israel may have broken international law Lord Cameron has said Israel may have broken international law in Gaza as he called for a humanitarian pause covering the enclave. The Foreign Secretary said he had seen things regarding the conflict that have been “deeply concerning” and called on Israel to restore water supply toContinue reading “8-9 essential headlines”

US strikes kill Iranian proxy fighters in Syria

The Pentagon said last Sunday that the U.S. had conducted a new flurry of airstrikes against Iranian proxy fighters in Syria in response to dozens of recent attacks against U.S. troops in the country and in neighbouring Iraq. The strikes killed an undetermined number of Iranian-backed fighters and marked an escalation in U.S. retaliation forContinue reading “US strikes kill Iranian proxy fighters in Syria”

Around Unkraine 2023 January 30 – February 5

The first week of February 2023 brought spying back into the topic of the week.

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