Unintentional or intentional destruction of a people in Gaza and a climate crisis

Although the UN Office on  and the Responsibility to Protect offers a more legalistic definition, ‘genocide’ is universally understood to refer to the intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part. Intent can be difficult to prove in a court of law unless the accused has been foolish or brazen enough to expoundContinue reading “Unintentional or intentional destruction of a people in Gaza and a climate crisis”

Record heat, violent wildfires – a punishing reminder of Europe’s climate challenge

The further far-right drift across Europe is alarming for many reasons including the de-prioritisation or weaponising of climate action.

Media and the loss of a planet

We here on this platform also want to independently review all the news and present it to you readers, hoping that, from our selection, you will be able to make up your own minds.

Climate warrior: Beliefs outside the mainstream

In life it’s important, unavoidable I would say, to stand up for yourself and for what you believe in.  That’s never more true than when your beliefs are outside the mainstream, which mine seem always to have been.   Thirty years ago, I started in wind energy, seeking to build big modern windmills to makeContinue reading “Climate warrior: Beliefs outside the mainstream”

The Guardian reviewing 2022 July 18 – July 24

July 18 Heatwave / UK braces for record temperature as first ever red heat warning comes into effect Network Rail says to avoid trains unless absolutely necessary, with much of country covered by extreme heat alert ‘Shameful diversion tactic’ / UK’s ‘quick-fix’ asylum policies criticised in damning MPs’ report ‘It’s socialism’ / Heated Tory leadershipContinue reading “The Guardian reviewing 2022 July 18 – July 24”

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