Putin says Russia’s mission is to create ‘new world’

Associated Press, October 5, 2023


Russian President Vladimir Putin says that Russia’s mission is to create a “new world” and blames Western hegemony for Moscow’s grinding offensive in Ukraine. Putin has portrayed Russia’s full-scale military intervention in Ukraine — launched in February 2022 — as part of a long-standing confrontation with the West.

“We are tasked, essentially, with building a new world,”

Putin says, adding the West is aiming for global “hegemony.”

“The West always needs an enemy,”

he says. As Moscow grows more isolated in the West and faces unprecedented sanctions over its Ukraine campaign, Putin accuses the West of trying to create a “new Iron Curtain” with Russia.

“Europe is fencing itself off from us and creating a new Iron Curtain,”

says Putin, who served in the Soviet KGB.

“We are not the ones shutting the door. It’s Europe that’s shutting the door,”

he adds.


This first week of October Putin made a speech which said the West had spurned Moscow’s “goodwill” efforts to build a “new and fairer world order” after the Soviet collapse which has “raised the risk of global war.” He also said the Ukraine conflict was being fought over

“the principles on which the new world order will be based.”

Putin wants a new world order. He wants a multipolar (his language) world not a unipolar world. The world has 2 poles a north pole and a south pole. Putin believes that geopolitically America is acting as if there is only one pole. Putin believes there should be other great powers to oppose a world policeman. Which is why is wants Russia to be superpower again with influence around the world. Putin’s aims are worldwide aims – it is not just about Russia but about a new world order. These enormous ambitions will bring him one day into Israel…

Bible Quote

A long time from now you will be called into action. In the distant future you will swoop down on the land of Israel, which will be enjoying peace after recovering from war and after its people have returned from many lands to the mountains of Israel.  (Ezekiel 38:8 NLT)

Notice Israel is recovering from war when Russia invades – they are recovering from the inner ring war (living in peace)

Weekly World Watch, Andy Walton,

Published by Christadelphians

Free Christadelphians or Brothers and sisters in Christ, living in Belgium, European Union. - Vrijë Christadelphians of Broeders en zusters in Christus wonende in België in de Europese Unie.

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