Weekly World Watch for the end of April to beginning of May 2024

In April President Biden had said he expected an attack on Israel from Iran “sooner than later” as Hezbollah fired dozens of rockets into northern Israel in a prelude to a feared Iranian revenge attack. Israel is braced for a potentially major escalation in its conflict with Iran after a US intelligence assessment warned that Tehran couldContinue reading “Weekly World Watch for the end of April to beginning of May 2024”

This is a dangerous moment in Israel-Hamas war

Event Sky News October 13 We might think we’ve seen it all before – airstrikes, flattened buildings, funerals, inflamed rhetoric on both sides. But make no mistake, this time is different. And what happens next is hugely important for the region and the world. It is a dangerous moment. Black Saturday, as the Israelis callContinue reading “This is a dangerous moment in Israel-Hamas war”

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