Why is the US scared of Israel despite global condemnation of its support for the Zionist regime?

Thousands of pro-Palestine Americans march from Bryant Park to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Headquarters in New York City, led by labor unions calling for a ceasefire on December 21, 2023 [Selçuk Acar/Anadolu Agency] by Shaheryar Ali Khawaja The US government claims to be the champion of democracy and human rights, and isContinue reading “Why is the US scared of Israel despite global condemnation of its support for the Zionist regime?”

Airports perils

Commuter, regional and short-haul (up to 2-hour) flights, on planes with between nine and 150 seats, together are responsible for about 27% of total aviation emissions. Medium- and long-haul flights make up the other 73%.

After two underwhelming years, Biden and his EPA take drastic action on emissions

For those who missed it: 16/03/2023 The controversial Willow project is the latest big US oil bender – but may be one of its last Oliver Milman After weeks of fevered speculation, Joe Biden’s administration, almost sheepishly, announced on Monday that it will allow an enormous oil drilling project in the rapidly thawing tundra ofContinue reading “After two underwhelming years, Biden and his EPA take drastic action on emissions”

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