Stories to read in the week of 2022 May 05-11

The Independent looking at what went on in the world from 2022 May 05-11 and looking at the Queen’s Speech and Boris Johnson abandoning British families to a life of poverty.

UK election results show that more people have enough of the buffoon who is supposed to lead the country and to be an example

After Thursday’s election results, it is time for members of parliament finally to demand the resignation of Boris Johnson.

Stories to read in the week of March/April 2022 in the Independent

A selection of Independent Premium’s top stories

Time for a proper debate about federalism

The policy conference of Unite ended yesterday. Len McCluskey’s 11-year leadership of Unite covered a period of intense political turbulence — Conservative-Lib Dem “austerity,” Brexit, the rise and fall of Corbynism, a global pandemic. According to him “Labour’s position on Brexit was a disaster. It was a slow-motion car crash that we at least sawContinue reading “Time for a proper debate about federalism”

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