Chemical warsite and Pushing king of the South

The world looks out for the reaction against the use of chemical weapons.

Relieve the current humanitarian crisis in Syria

At the end of March the Samaritan Fund made a significant donation to an Emergency Appeal by the UK Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) to help relieve the current humanitarian crisis in Syria. This is in addition to the donation made in January to the UNICEF emergency appeal for children in Syria. The DEC appeal providesContinue reading “Relieve the current humanitarian crisis in Syria”

Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and lightening

Dear Lovers of Truth,                                 This is a bit early to send, but in a week’s time the news will be stale.       The resignation of Pope Benedict XVI has come as a shock to the Vatican and Catholics generally. He has been popular with the laity and most of the clergy He has alsoContinue reading “Resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and lightening”

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