European leaders split about the arrest warrants of the International Criminal Court

The chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Court announced on May 20 he’s seeking arrest warrants for the Israeli prime minister and Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar on war-crimes charges over the conflict in Gaza. Netanyahu said the prosecutor was “pouring gasoline on the fires of anti-Semitism,” while then US president called it “outrageous” and said theContinue reading “European leaders split about the arrest warrants of the International Criminal Court”

The Strategist: The post-American Middle Eastern order

Originally posted on Levant's Agora:
By Mark Leonard. May was a busy month for diplomats in the Middle East. Twelve years after the Arab League suspended Syria’s membership, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was officially welcomed back into the fold. As the protracted war in Yemen shows signs of winding down, Iran and Saudi Arabia…

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