The Telegraph Frontpage Tuesday 2022 December 27

Good morning. Energy companies are hoarding nearly £2 billion of customers’ cash amid the cost-of-living crisis, The Telegraph can disclose. Meanwhile, traditional town high streets led the revival of Boxing Day sales on Monday as shoppers flocked to local towns over cities amid train strikes. Headlines: Today’s essential news Energy | Gas and electricity suppliersContinue reading “The Telegraph Frontpage Tuesday 2022 December 27”

Have the Bank of England just made the cost of living crisis worse ?

Originally posted on Strategus:
The BoE is currently predicting that on the back of soaring energy costs this winter inflation will peak at 13.3%. That would be the highest level for 42 years and as a response to that, last week the BoE increased interest rates from 1.25% to 1.75%. The doctrine of monetary policy…

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