Ebola, parrot fever, Covid, psychoactive substances, betel nuts, synthetic drug kush, vaccines and ageing

Ebola is known to circulate in local bat populations and was present in the region long before the start of the West Africa outbreak CREDIT: Simon Townsley In the depths of Guinea’s vast forests, the decayed carcass of a once great tree marks the spot where the West African Ebola epidemic is believed to haveContinue reading “Ebola, parrot fever, Covid, psychoactive substances, betel nuts, synthetic drug kush, vaccines and ageing”

In the news the Fourth week of December 2023

Monday December 18 2023 Israel risks breaking law with its ‘killing rage’, says Ben Wallace The shift in tone from Western officials towards Israel has been notable over the last weeks. Writing for the Telegraph, Mr Wallace warned that Israel risks losing legal authority for its war in Gaza by going on a crude andContinue reading “In the news the Fourth week of December 2023”

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