Israel has to respect international humanitarian law

It is unbelievable how Israel has trampled on all International treaties in recent weeks and that no superpower has acted harder against not keeping the War Laws or Security and Insurance of Human Rights.

Not to miss:

Even the tunnels purportedly discovered beneath the hospital, as revealed by former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak, were constructed by Israeli contractors.

Approximately 2.5 million Palestinians are enduring an unprecedented collective punishment at the hands of Israel and affecting water, food, fuel, and essential medical supplies.

Compensation for Jews regarding the European Holocaust, the worst crime in human history, should not extend to ignoring ongoing violations of international law and human rights by Israel in the Occupied Territories.

It would be a serious mistake to label anyone expressing the condemnation of Israel’s actions against the Palestinians as anti-Semitic.

Published by Guestspeaker

A joint effort of several authors who do find that nobody can keep standing at the side and that “Everyone" must care about what is going on in today’s world. We are a bunch of people who do not mind that somebody has a totally different idea but is willing to share the ideas with others and to be Active and willing to let others understand how "today’s decisions will influence the future”. Therefore we would love to see many others to "Act today".

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