US issues rare worldwide terror alert as unrest engulfs the Middle East


Daily Telegraph, October 19, 2023

The United States has issued a rare worldwide alert to Americans abroad, warning that they face an increased risk of terror attacks or violence in the fallout from the Israel-Hamas war. Lebanon was at the centre of the fears, with Britain and America urging their citizens to flee on any remaining flights out of the country, where a new front could open in the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

In its “worldwide caution”, the US state department advised all Americans to exercise care as unrest broke out across the Middle East and protesters targeted US diplomatic compounds. The warning issued on Thursday advised Americans who were in tourist locations to “stay alert” and to

“exercise increased caution due to the potential for violence and increased tensions”

globally. Separately, Antony Blinken, the US secretary of state, ordered all embassies and consulates to undertake emergency security reviews.


The Bible speaks of a time of trouble such as never was coming on this earth which is the prelude to Christ returning. We also read that the world will be in labour pain like a woman about to give birth. The contractions are coming ever closer together and with increasing pain.

The world has lurched from one crisis to another in recent years. A worldwide pandemic that shut down every nation on earth. This put nations in unprecedented debt – making it far harder for them to react to other issues. On the very day the pandemic was down graded Russia launched a war against Ukraine which has turned into the greatest conflict in Europe since WW2. And now we lurch into the next crisis – the greatest of them all – war centred on Israel / Jerusalem – Armageddon

Bible Quote

I tell you the truth, you will weep and mourn over what is going to happen to me, but the world will rejoice. You will grieve, but your grief will suddenly turn to wonderful joy. It will be like a woman suffering the pains of labour. When her child is born, her anguish gives way to joy because she has brought a new baby into the world. So you have sorrow now, but I will see you again (John 16:20)

Weekly World Watch, Andy Walton



  1. A complete siege of the Gaza Strip
  2. A treacherous geopolitical outlook for President Joe Biden
  3. Israel’s goal would be to destroy Hamas
  4. A human dilemma to face at the beginning of a war
  5. On October 16 Israel denied a ceasefire in South Gaza
  6. This is a dangerous moment in Israel-Hamas war


Additional reading

  1. Signs of the Times – On manoeuvres
  2. 50 Years after the Yom Kippur attack a new Hamas attack
  3. Hezbollah praises Hamas, says attack is message to Arab countries normalizing ties with Israel
  4. Imprisonment and slaughter in the Gaza Strip

Published by Christadelphians

Free Christadelphians or Brothers and sisters in Christ, living in Belgium, European Union. - Vrijë Christadelphians of Broeders en zusters in Christus wonende in België in de Europese Unie.

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