The Spectator: The shocking truth behind the Baghdad bombings of 1950 and 1951

To remember:

  • Zionist agents were responsible for targeting the Jewish community, forcing them to flee Iraq and settle in Israel

  • Iraq’s Jewish minority = Prosperous + distinguished
  • Jewish community presence in Babylon back more than 2,500 years
  • privileged section of Iraqi society = rich, cosmopolitan + generally harmonious milieu.
  • 1945 halcyon days
  • 1950 series of bombings targeting Jewish population in Iraqi capital => family fled ancient homeland => begin new lives in the fledgling state of Israel.
  • Zionist project dealt a mortal blow to the position of Jews in Arab lands
  • Shlaim’s earliest relationship with Israel = defined by an inferiority complex
  • Sephardim, Jews from Arab lands = looked down upon by the Ashkenazim, their European counterparts.
  • bombings against Jewish targets in 1950 – 1951 => around 110,000 Jews of a population of approximately 135,000 emigrated from Iraq to Israel
  • Israel Zionist agents tasked with persuading Jewish community to flee Iraq -> settle in Israel => helped terminate millennial presence of Jews in Babylon => mortal blow to position of Jews in Arab lands
  • Eurocentric Zionist movement + Israel together have intensified divisions between Arabs + Jews, Israelis + Palestinians, Hebrew + Arabic + Judaism + Islam.
  • Apartheid in 21st century = simply not sustainable

Levant's Agora

By Justin Marozzi.

Avi Shlaim claims to have uncovered undeniable proof that Zionist agents were responsible for targeting the Jewish community, forcing them to flee Iraq and settle in Israel

Avi Shlaim’s family led the good life in Baghdad. Prosperous and distinguished members of Iraq’s Jewish minority, a community which could trace its presence in Babylon back more than 2,500 years, they had a large house with servants and nannies, went to the best schools, rubbed shoulders with the great and the good and sashayed elegantly from one glittering party to the next. Shlaim’s father was a successful businessman who counted ministers as friends. His much younger mother was a socially ambitious beauty who attracted admirers, from Egypt’s King Farouk to a Mossad recruiter. For this privileged section of Iraqi society, it was a rich, cosmopolitan and generally harmonious milieu. And for the young Shlaim, born in Baghdad in 1945…

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