The Jordan Times: The dangerous repercussion of the failure of renewed truce in Yemen

To remember

  • After  six-month truce > Yemeni government + Houthis failed to extend nationwide ceasefire => lead Yemen towards another chapter of violent escalation within protracted civil war.
  • failure in renewing truce => increase tension + push both parties to adopt escalatory approach with higher tendency to use power in a very evident way.
  • pave the way for criminal + terrorist groups to reemerge & benefit from escalation = Al Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula
  • instability in Iran involved + in conflict with Kurds in north of Iraq => impact the region
  • Iraq going through phase of wide political instability => add more protagonists to wide regional scene of instability.
  • risk of stable Gulf countries caught again in crossfire of Houthis from Yemen + militias from Iraq.
  • failure to save truce in Yemen => add more complexity to whole scene in Middle East + turn country into a location of ferocious proxy war



  1. Yemen: A country in crisis, what the world governments should practice and advocate to bring an end to the conflict
  2. Do world religions threaten the survival of the human race in the 21st century
  3. African misery and women inequality
  4. Lacking legitimacy in the eyes of his people
  5. Israel the Oil and Gas Opportunity
  6. African misery and women inequality
  7. Bloomberg main messages for 04-10 July 2022
  8. Americans need to end their indifference concerning the war in Yemen
  9. A truce giving Yemenis hopes for peace
  10. Rai al-Youm: Yemen: the truce is over


Additional reading

  1. Do world religions threaten the survival of the human race in the 21st century (Our world)
  2. Cool Person of the year 2011
  3. Milestones for women ordered
  4. African misery and women inequality (Our World)
  5. Lacking legitimacy in the eyes of his people (Our World)
  6. Being Charlie 2
  7. Wrong choices made to get rid of Assad
  8. Summary for the year 2015 # 2 Strewn with corpses and refugees
  9. 2015 Human rights
  10. 2016 review Human rights
  11. From Guestwriters 2016 in review
  12. Avoiding to get Water at the price of gold #2 Dealing with effects of a changing climate
  13. Analysis: Will religious freedom flourish in post-treaty Middle East?
  14. After ten years of horror still no solution and peace for Syria
  15. The Iranian American Frieda Afary looking with (republican?) American eyes at Iran
  16. How far is a government willing to go to hold up press freedom?
  17. U.S. Mideast naval exercise and fighter jets in the Gulf region

Levant's Agora

By Amer Al Sabaileh.

After a six-month truce, the Yemeni government and the Houthis failed to extend the nationwide ceasefire. The current situation might well lead Yemen towards another chapter of violent escalation within its protracted civil war. An escalation that cannot be viewed in isolation from the surrounding regional developments.

The failure in reviving the nuclear deal with Iran and the recent ongoing waves of instability in Iran will definitely impact the region. The Gulf countries, mainly KSA and UAE might anew become the targets of Houthi’s rockets , which in its turn will affect dramatically the prices of energy at a very critical moment with the whole sector of global energy going through difficult times.

These developments support the intention of the Houthis to maximise strategic advantages precisely amid talks over the extension of the ceasefire. This at a time public is highlighting the need to end rather…

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