Gaza War and Challenges to the Needed Solution

The Gaza War – or Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza – has been raging for three months now. The intensity of this war and the range of ways it could develop have brought the Palestinian question back to the forefront of pressing regional issues, and has thus had ramifications for the region and the interestsContinue reading “Gaza War and Challenges to the Needed Solution”

Mondoweiss: The Palestinian Authority is a figleaf for Israeli apartheid. Disband it.

Originally posted on Levant's Agora:
By Tom Suarez. At this point in history, the Palestinian Authority serves only to empower the two-state ruse until Zionism has achieved its singular, century-old goal: a race state in all of historic Palestine. Three decades ago, the Palestinian Authority, advertised as a five-year interim body that would give…

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