Failing Israeli government wanting to provide image of victory by annihilation of Palestinians in Gaza and ethnic cleansing

Israel’s atrocities in Gaza have exposed it as “a Zionist, colonial settlement project and …. “a country that is capable of committing war crimes to achieve their goals.”

Why is the US scared of Israel despite global condemnation of its support for the Zionist regime?

Thousands of pro-Palestine Americans march from Bryant Park to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Headquarters in New York City, led by labor unions calling for a ceasefire on December 21, 2023 [Selçuk Acar/Anadolu Agency] by Shaheryar Ali Khawaja The US government claims to be the champion of democracy and human rights, and isContinue reading “Why is the US scared of Israel despite global condemnation of its support for the Zionist regime?”

Leaving their land the death of their cause

Palestinians who fled to the south of Gaza are trapped like rats, without food or drinkable water.

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