In the news the Fourth week of December 2023

Monday December 18 2023

Israel risks breaking law with its ‘killing rage’, says Ben Wallace

The shift in tone from Western officials towards Israel has been notable over the last weeks. Writing for the Telegraph, Mr Wallace warned that Israel risks losing legal authority for its war in Gaza by going on a crude and indiscriminate “killing rage” against the Palestinian people. Harriet Barber and David Millward report similar messaging from the United States, with Washington expected to push Israel for ‘small-scale’ raids only within three weeks.

Christian mother and daughter shot dead by Israeli sniper in church grounds in Gaza City

Nahida and her daughter Samar were inside the Holy Family Parish — where many of Gaza’s Christian families have taken refuge — when they were killed in “cold blood” by an Israeli sniper.

Inside the Hamas tunnel network

The Erez tunnel network is about four kilometres in length. Inside, a single rifleman could hold off a whole commando unit for hours. Global Health Security Editor Paul Nuki ventured into the Hamas labyrinth for an exclusive video report that you can watch here.

Inside the Hamas tunnel network

Biden ditches trade deal talks with Britain

Rishi Sunak meets Joe Biden on a visit to the White House earlier this year Credit: Simon Walker / No 10 Downing Street
Joe Biden has shelved plans for a pact with Britain that could have paved the way for a full post-Brexit trade deal.

The US president has decided not to move forward with a “foundational” agreement prepared by the US Trade Representative’s Office, that would have included negotiations over 11 areas of trade and regulation, following opposition from his own party in the Senate.


Flood-hit villagers forced to battle with crocodiles

Crocodiles have infested floodwater gushing through north east Australia while families stranded on rooftops await rescue.

Iceland volcano erupts after intense series of earthquakes

“It’s clear this is a considerable eruption,” Prime Minister of Iceland Katrin Jakobsdottir said early this morning as lava spewed across the Reykjanes peninsula at a rate of up to 200 cubic metres per second. The eruption was caught on a webcam — you can watch the footage and keep up to date with the latest developments on our live blog here.

Earthquake in China kills at least 118 people

Chinese rescue teams are battling in subzero temperatures to save victims trapped in rubble after a 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit the northern edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau.

Rescuers conduct search and rescue operations after the earthquake CREDIT: Visual China Group

Britons are 'driving home for Christmas', but the roads are jammed.

Tuesday December 19 2023

Farmers and tractors protest Germany’s ‘war’ on industry

Agricultural workers have accused Olaf Scholz of declaring “war” on their industry as they amassed in Berlin to protest against cuts to fuel subsidies and tax breaks. Some 10,000 agricultural workers brought traffic to a standstill as they gathered at Brandenburg Gate. Click here to see pictures.

US draws up plans for missile strikes on Houthis

“The cost offset is not on our side,” remarked a US defence department official, referring to the multi-million dollar naval missiles used to shoot down Houthi drones that cost only a few thousand each. Washington is thus considering striking targets in Yemen itself, our US Editor Tony Diver reveals.

The Iran-backed rebel group threaten to throw global trade into chaos. James Rothwell and James Crisp explain who they are and why they have been ignored for the past decade here.

Wednesday December 20 2023

Rishi Sunak stands with R2D2 and BB-8 from Star Wars

Lava spewing from Iceland volcano

Iceland has warned its erupting volcano poses a threat to a “critical” power plant as lava spews from a 2.5-mile long fissure.

Thursday December 21 2023

Bloody Sunday in 1972

Friday December 22 2023

Alex Batty returned to UK after final argument with his mother

The British teenager who went missing for six years had had enough of his mother’s “hippie lifestyle”. No longer wishing to continue his wandering alternative lifestyle, he packed a bag and set off on foot through the French Pyrenees and was later picked up by police.

Greater Manchester Police have launched a criminal investigation into the alleged abduction of British teenager Alex Batty.

‘Praying to make it out alive’: How shooting terror unfolded in Prague

For many of the students at Prague’s Charles University, the news that a gun rampage was under way on campus came in an email at just before 3pm.

Grainy photographs quickly began to circulate online, showing a man in black clothing wielding an assault rifle on the roof walkway of the university building
Shooter ‘killed newborn baby and her father’

Crime | A new Banksy artwork that appeared on a street in south London was taken down within an hour of the artist verifying the piece was a genuine installation.

A new Banksy artwork that appeared on a street in south London was taken within an hour of the artist verifying the piece was genuine CREDIT: PA


Israel blows up ‘subterranean city’ in Gaza where Oct 7 massacre was hatched

The Israel Defense Force (IDF) said it discovered “terrorist infrastructure” below Palestine Square in the city centre with lengthy tunnels, hiding places and offices belonging to Hamas’s senior military and political leaders.

Aerial footage released by the IDF late on Thursday night showed a series of explosions, destroying the underground infrastructure.

Britain at risk of recession as growth revised down

New ONS figures show that the economy shrank between July and September.

The figures reveal the impact of high interest rates on UK households and will serve as a blow to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who at the start of the year made expanding the economy one of his five key pledges.

Live markets news: German property prices plummet as housing bubble bursts – latest updates

Go for growth | In an interview with The Telegraph, Sir James Dyson said “wealth generation” and “growth” had become dirty words as he praised the policies of Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng and said current political leaders, be they Tory or Labour, were not “going for growth”. It comes as Rishi Sunak faced a Tory backlash on Friday over the Government’s backtracking on spousal visas. Plus: Sadiq Khan has backed down and said he supports a move to send to Ukraine 4x4s in response to a Telegraph campaign.

Saturday December 23 2023

Christmas travel chaos: Drivers face six-hour delays at Dover port

Christmas travel chaos: Drivers face six-hour delays at Dover port

France falls out of love with wine, as just one in 10 drink regularly

France falls out of love with wine, as just one in 10 drink regularly


Sunday December 24 2023

The Princess of Wales has hosted a surprise tea party for children and carers in a London community centre.

Iran warning | Britain will not tolerate the escalation of Iran’s “malign” activities in the Middle East, Lord Cameron says. The Foreign Secretary’s reaction to being offered the new job was an instant “yes”. He also says a review of the bid for The Telegraph involving Abu Dhabi is for Lucy Frazer, the Culture Secretary. The Princess of Wales’s surprise Christmas visit is here.

Malign Iran is threat to the world, warns Cameron

Malign Iran is threat to the world, warns Cameron

Your selected articles

Jordan Peterson: Britain will be ‘Venezuela for 20 years’ if Starmer wins the next election
Jordan Peterson: Britain will be ‘Venezuela for 20 years’ if Starmer wins the next election
The excuses are gone – can the Sussexes ever make a comeback?
The excuses are gone – can the Sussexes ever make a comeback?
Prince George heading to Marlborough? If so, he could be taught by his mother’s old Latin teacher
Prince George heading to Marlborough? If so, he could be taught by his mother’s old Latin teacher
Teacher is banned for ‘misgendering’ pupil

Teacher is banned for ‘misgendering’ pupil

Iran threatens to shut Strait of Gibraltar as tensions ramp up

Iran threatens to shut Strait of Gibraltar as tensions ramp up

Pictured: Priest replaces Joseph for same-sex nativity scene

Pictured: Priest replaces Joseph for same-sex nativity scene

Further of interest


Published by Guestspeaker

A joint effort of several authors who do find that nobody can keep standing at the side and that “Everyone" must care about what is going on in today’s world. We are a bunch of people who do not mind that somebody has a totally different idea but is willing to share the ideas with others and to be Active and willing to let others understand how "today’s decisions will influence the future”. Therefore we would love to see many others to "Act today".

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